I love online shopping, and I have the greatest website for brides to pick up the perfect accessories for the big day. Regina B of New York makes the most exquisite pieces using
Swarovski Crystals and fresh water pearls. Not all of us have the budget to blow thousands on wedding jewelry or the good fortune of family heirloom pieces. But the last thing you want is to look cheap in poorly constructed costume pieces on your most special day. Regina B specializes in hand-crafted tiaras, combs, feathers, hairpins, necklaces, earrings, broaches, bracelets, and handbags. There is a fabulous amount of inventory to check out on the website, but you can place a custom order if nothing suites your liking. Plus, the price is right with pieces mostly in the $75-$250 range.
I wore a pair of Regina B chandelier earrings on my wedding day and they were amazing to work with. The first pair I received just weren't quite right. I thought I'd like them but sometimes as a bride you can be picky and change your mind unexpectedly. Even though it was what I had ordered, Regina B took back my pair and quickly shipped me a second pair with no extra charges. And the second pair were just perfect!! All three items pictured here are from the website www.reginab.com